What Does Turi-Te Mean In Judo?

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Turi-te, also known as Tsurite, is a term used in Judo that refers to a pulling hand. It is a defensive technique that is used to deflect the opponent’s attack and bring them off balance. In Judo, techniques are categorized under two broad classes – Nage waza (throwing techniques) and Katame-waza (grappling techniques). Turi-te falls under the Nage waza category and is considered a basic technique that is taught to beginners.

In this article, we will look at various aspects of Turi-te, including its definition, execution, variations, and practical applications.


What is Turi-te?

Turi-te is a pulling hand technique in Judo that is used to deflect an opponent’s attack. The hand pulling the opponent needs to be positioned correctly to create leverage and bring them off balance. This technique is important in Judo as it can help in creating an opportunity to throw the opponent.

The motion can be compared to closing a door – the pulling motion of the hand shutting the door, and in the process, pulling the opponent in. The pulling technique can be used to open up an opponent’s defenses and create an advantageous position.


How is Turi-te executed?

To execute Turi-te, the Judo practitioner needs to take a stance facing the opponent. The practitioner then pulls the opponent’s hand to control their movement. The hand that is pulling should create leverage to bring the opponent off balance. The other hand should be positioned to control the opponent’s movements.

A key aspect of executing Turi-te successfully is timing. The technique should be executed at the right moment when the opponent is attacking. The pulling motion should also be quick and forceful to create leverage and disrupt the opponent’s balance.


Variations of Turi-te

There are many variations of Turi-te, with each variation having its own practical application. Some of the most common variations include:

– Morote Tsurite – This variation is also known as double-handed pulling, as it involves the use of both hands to pull the opponent’s arm. It is an effective technique in situations where the opponent has a strong grip.

– Sode Tsurite – This variation involves using the pulling hand to bring the opponent’s arm over their shoulder. The motion is similar to wearing a coat, where the hand brings the lapel over the shoulder.

– Gyaku Tsurite – This variation involves using the pulling hand to turn the opponent’s head towards the opposite direction, in the process bringing them off balance.


Practical applications of Turi-te

Turi-te has several practical applications in Judo. Some of the most common applications include:

– Creating an opportunity to throw the opponent – By pulling the opponent, the Judo practitioner can create an opening that can be exploited to execute a throw.

– Deflecting the opponent’s attack – Turi-te can be used to deflect an opponent’s attack and bring them off balance. This creates an opportunity for the Judo practitioner to strike.

– Controlling the opponent’s movement – Turi-te can be used to control the opponent’s movement and restrict their actions. This prevents the opponent from executing their own techniques.


Can Turi-te be used in self-defense?

Yes, Turi-te can be used in self-defense. The techniques used in Judo are applicable in various self-defense situations. Turi-te can be used to deflect an attacker’s attack, bring them off balance, and create an opportunity for escape.

However, it is important to note that self-defense situations are dynamic, and the application of Turi-te would depend on the actual situation. The technique needs to be executed with precision and speed to create the desired effect.


How does Turi-te compare to other techniques in Judo?

Turi-te is a basic technique in Judo and is used to set up other techniques in the Nage waza category. It is a defensive technique that can be effective in creating an opportunity to throw the opponent. However, it is only one of the many techniques available in Judo.

Other techniques, such as Osoto-gari (large outer reap) and Ippon Seoi-nage (one-arm shoulder throw), are more aggressive and can be used to take down the opponent quickly. Turi-te is effective in creating an opening to execute these more advanced techniques.



In conclusion, Turi-te is an essential technique in Judo that is used to deflect an opponent’s attack and create an opening for a throw. It requires precision, speed, and timing to execute successfully. The variations of Turi-te offer different practical applications that can be used to control an opponent’s movement or create an opportunity for an attack. Turi-te is a fundamental technique that is used to set up other techniques in the Nage waza category and is an essential skill for any aspiring Judo practitioner.

Maxim Tzfenko

Maxim Tzfenko

"I live and breath Martial Arts"

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