How To Tie A Jiu Jitsu Belt

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Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu is a highly technical and physically demanding sport. It requires immense dedication and practice to master the skills. One of the key elements of practicing BJJ is to wear a proper uniform, which includes a gi and a belt. A proper tie of the jiu-jitsu belt is pivotal, as it provides support, stability, and a sense of authority in the dojo. In this article, we will explore how to tie a jiu-jitsu belt with a diagram and answer some commonly asked questions about it.


What is a jiu-jitsu belt, and why is it important?

A Jiu-Jitsu belt is an essential piece of a uniform that signifies a practitioner’s skill level and experience. It is an indication of one’s progress and dedication to the sport. The belt system is as follows:

White belt – This is the starting belt for a practitioner who is new to the sport.

Blue belt – After the white belt, the practitioner is graded as a blue belt, indicating a proficiency in basic techniques.

Purple belt – A purple belt indicates advanced technical knowledge, and the practitioner is starting to develop their style.

Brown belt – A brown belt symbolizes expert technical ability, and the individual is an instructor.

Black belt – The highest level of proficiency in BJJ is represented by a black belt, which takes many years of dedication to achieve.


What are the different types of knots for tying a jiu-jitsu belt?

There is no one definitive knot for tying a jiu-jitsu belt. However, there are two popular types of knots that are commonly used.

1. Square Knot – This knot is the most common knot used for tying jiu-jitsu belts. It is easy to learn and requires minimal adjustment.

2. Knot and Bow – This knot is fancier than the square knot and gives the uniform a polished look. However, it takes a bit more effort to tie this knot.

3. What are the steps for tying a jiu-jitsu belt?

Here are the steps to tie a jiu-jitsu belt using a square knot.

Step 1: Hold one end of the belt in front of your belly button, with the other end going behind you and wrapping around your waist. Make sure the belt is even on both sides.

Step 2: Take the longer end of the belt, and pass it over the shorter end making a cross.

Step 3: Take the longer end and pass it under both the shorter and longer end.

Step 4: Pass the longer end over the shorter end.

Step 5: Bring the longer end behind both ends of the belt.

Step 6: Pass the longer end over both ends of the belt and up through the loop created by the cross in step 2. Tighten the knot by pulling on both ends of the belt. Make sure that the knot is tight and secure.


What are some tips for tying a jiu-jitsu belt?

Here are some tips to keep in mind when tying a jiu-jitsu belt.

1. Always make sure that your gi is tied up tightly and securely before starting to tie the belt.

2. Make sure that the belt is even on both sides.

3. Pay attention to the tightness of the knot. It should be tight and secure, but not so tight that it restricts your movement.

4. Fold the ends of the belt under the knot to give it a polished look.


What are some common mistakes when tying a jiu-jitsu belt?

Here are some common mistakes that practitioners make when tying a jiu-jitsu belt.

1. An unevenly tied belt – This can happen when the belt is not centered on the waist. Make sure that the belt is properly aligned.

2. Loose or tight knot – A loose knot can cause the belt to come undone during the practice, while a tight knot can restrict a practitioner’s movement.

3. Twisted belt – Make sure that the belt is not twisted while tying it; this can cause discomfort or pain during training.


What is the appropriate way to wear a jiu-jitsu belt?

The belt should be tied around the waist and level with the waistline. Make sure that it is not too tight or too loose. Avoid wearing the belt on the hips or lower than the waist as it may restrict movement and hinder performance. Before starting the training, make sure to secure everything properly, including the gi and the belt.



Tying a jiu-jitsu belt is a simple skill that requires practice and attention to detail. The right knot and wrap can make all the difference in providing comfort and support during in the sport. Practitioners should always observe the appropriate way of wearing their belts to show respect for the sport and its traditions. Remember to always check the tightness and evenness of the knot and make adjustments before hitting the mat. By following these tips and techniques, you can ensure that your jiu-jitsu belt is correctly tied, enhancing your performance when practicing with your teammates.

Maxim Tzfenko

Maxim Tzfenko

"I live and breath Martial Arts"

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