How To Prevent Tennis Elbow When Kickboxing

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As a kickboxer, you are familiar with the physical demands of the sport. It requires strength, flexibility, and endurance. While kickboxing is a great way to build muscle, increase cardio endurance, and improve overall fitness, it can also lead to injury if not done properly. One of the most common injuries in kickboxing is tennis elbow. However, with the right precautions, you can prevent tennis elbow and continue to enjoy kickboxing.


What is Tennis Elbow?

Tennis elbow, also known as lateral epicondylitis, is a condition that primarily affects the tendons on the outside of the elbow. While it is commonly associated with tennis players due to the repetitive arm motions involved in the sport, it can also occur in other activities that involve repetitive forearm and wrist movements, such as kickboxing.

In kickboxing, the repetitive punching and striking motions can put strain on the tendons that connect the muscles of the forearm to the bony prominence on the outside of the elbow. Over time, this repetitive stress can lead to inflammation and microtears in the tendons, resulting in the development of tennis elbow.

The symptoms of tennis elbow in kickboxing may include pain and tenderness on the outside of the elbow, weakness in the affected arm, difficulty gripping objects, and pain that worsens with forearm or wrist movements. It is important to note that tennis elbow can also occur in the non-dominant arm, as both arms are involved in kickboxing techniques.

If you suspect you have tennis elbow or are experiencing any related symptoms, it is recommended to consult with a healthcare professional or a sports medicine specialist. They can provide an accurate diagnosis and recommend appropriate treatment options, which may include rest, physical therapy, anti-inflammatory medications, and modifications to training techniques to reduce stress on the affected tendons.


What Causes Tennis Elbow in Kickboxing?

Tennis elbow in kickboxing is often caused by punching with the wrong technique or using an improper punching bag that puts stress on the elbow joint. Punching too hard or too frequently without proper warm-up and cool-down can also cause tennis elbow. Other factors that can contribute to tennis elbow in kickboxing include the use of gloves that are too tight or too heavy, poor body alignment when punching, and using too much speed and force in your movements.


How to Prevent Tennis Elbow in Kickboxing?

1. Warm Up and Cool Down Properly

Before every kickboxing session, you should perform a proper warm-up. This should include light cardiovascular exercise, stretching, and loosening up your muscles. Cooling down after your kickboxing session is also important, as it helps to prevent muscle soreness. You can do this by stretching your muscles and taking a slow walk.

2. Proper Punching Technique

The most important factor in preventing tennis elbow in kickboxing is using proper punching technique. Ensure that your wrists are not bent and that you are punching through the target, not just hitting it. Your arms and shoulders should be relaxed, and your core should be engaged. Ask your coach to check your technique regularly to ensure you are using the correct technique.

3. Use the Right Equipment

Using the right equipment is crucial in preventing tennis elbow. Ensure your gloves are the right size and weight for your skill level and arm strength. The punching bag should also be the right weight and should have some give to it. A bag with too much resistance can create too much stress on your elbow.

4. Mix-Up Your Training

Repetitive motions can lead to injury, so it’s important to mix up your training. Incorporate shadow boxing, focus mitts, and heavy bag work, to stimulate different muscles, and to prevent overuse of the same muscles repeatedly.

5. Strengthening Exercises

Incorporating strengthening exercises for your forearms, wrists, and grip strength can help prevent tennis elbow. Some exercises you can include are wrist extensions, wrist curls, and finger flexions.

6. Take Rest and Recovery

Rest and recovery cannot be overemphasized. A rest day or two in between training can give your muscles the needed recovery time. Also, don’t push yourself too hard, too fast. Instead, progress gradually. In case of injury, it is advisable to take a break from kickboxing to allow sufficient recovery time.



Tennis elbow can be debilitating and can affect your daily life and training. Preventing it is essential for kickboxers. Using proper technique, warm-ups and cool-downs, adequate rest and recovery times, and the right equipment can help prevent this injury. Incorporating strengthening exercises and changing up your training routine can also help prevent overuse of the same muscles.

By following the preventive measures, you can avoid tennis elbow and focus more on building your skills in kickboxing. Remember, prevention is always better than cure. Stay safe and enjoy your kickboxing journey!

Maxim Tzfenko

Maxim Tzfenko

"I live and breath Martial Arts"

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