How To Clean Judo Belts

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Judo is one of the most popular martial arts in the world. It is a discipline that requires a lot of dedication, hard work and discipline. One of the key elements in the practice of judo is the belt. The belt signifies the progress of the practitioner, from white belt to black belt, and is an important part of the uniform. It is essential that the belt is kept clean, not only to maintain its appearance but also for hygienic reasons. In this article, we will provide you with some tips on how to clean belts in judo.


What is a judo belt?

A judo belt is a colored band that signifies the level of proficiency of the practitioner. There are different colors of belts used in judo to represent the level of skill of a practitioner. The belts come in different colors, starting from white, and progressing through yellow, orange, green, blue, brown, and lastly black. Each judoka earns their belts through hard work, dedication, and progression through the ranks.


Why is it important to clean the belt?

Maintaining the cleanliness of your judo belt is essential for a number of reasons. Firstly, it helps to keep the belt looking good. As the belt represents your progress in the sport, it is important that it is kept clean and presentable. Secondly, keeping your belt clean is important for hygienic reasons. A judo session can be a very sweaty and intense workout. As a result, your belt can get dirty and even acquire bacteria. Therefore, it is important to clean your belt regularly.


How often should you clean your judo belt?

It is recommended that your judo belt be cleaned after every training session. However, in some cases, your belt may not need to be washed as often. If your belt doesn’t smell, there are no visible stains or if your training sessions are light, then it might be ok to wash your belt less frequently.


What are the best ways to clean a judo belt?

– Washing machine: You can clean your judo belt in the washing machine just like any other piece of clothing. However, it is recommended that you wash it separately from other clothes. This is because the dye from the belt can bleed onto other clothes and ruin them. To wash your belt, use cold water and mild detergent. Once the wash cycle is complete, hang your belt to dry.

– Handwashing: If you don’t want to use the washing machine, you can always wash your belt by hand. Fill a sink or basin with cold water and add some detergent. Soak the belt for a few minutes, then use your hands to gently scrub it. Once you are done cleaning, rinse the belt thoroughly with water and hang it to dry.

– Use vinegar: Vinegar is an excellent natural cleaner that can be used to clean your belt. Simply add half a cup of vinegar to a basin of cold water and soak your belt in it. This will help to remove any odors or stains on the belt. Once you are done soaking, rinse the belt thoroughly and hang it to dry.


How to maintain a judo belt?

– Air dry: After each training session, air dry your belt before storing it. This will help to prevent the growth of bacteria on the belt. If you need to use it daily, only store it once it has completely dried.
– Do not fold the belt: Folding your belt can lead to creases that may be hard to get out. Instead, loosely roll it up and store it in a place where it can get proper air circulation.
– Avoid harsh cleaning agents: When washing your belt, avoid using harsh chemicals or bleach. These can damage the fabric and reduce the lifespan of your belt.
– Replace a worn out belt: If your belt is frayed, thin or worn out, it’s time to replace it. A worn-out belt can negatively affect your grip and even lead to injury.


What to do if your judo belt gets stained?

It’s inevitable that your judo belt will get stained at some point. However, don’t panic if it happens. Here’s what you can do to remove the stain:

– Use a stain remover: Apply a small amount of stain remover on the affected area and let it sit for a few minutes. Then wash the belt using cold water and mild detergent. Rinse thoroughly and hang to dry.
– Hydrogen peroxide: Hydrogen peroxide is a powerful stain remover. Mix a small amount of hydrogen peroxide and water in a spray bottle. Spray the stained area and let it sit for a few minutes. Then wash the belt using cold water and mild detergent. Rinse thoroughly and hang to dry.



In conclusion, cleaning your judo belt is essential to maintain its appearance and hygiene, as well as to ensure your health and safety during training. Always follow the care instructions provided with your belt, and be mindful of the washing process that you choose. A clean belt adds to your confidence and creates a positive image for you and the sport. Follow the guidelines we’ve provided above, and your judo belt will always look and smell fresh!

Maxim Tzfenko

Maxim Tzfenko

"I live and breath Martial Arts"

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