Common Kickboxing Mistakes

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Kickboxing is a popular sport that requires a lot of determination and focus to master. It combines techniques from boxing and martial arts, making it a challenging but rewarding way to stay fit and improve overall health.

However, sometimes, people may make common mistakes when they first begin kickboxing training, which can lead to difficulties such as injuries or lack of progress. In this article, we will discuss some of the most common mistakes to avoid in kickboxing training and how to avoid them.


Failing to Warm-Up Properly

Before beginning any exercise, it is essential to warm up your muscles. Kickboxing is a high-intensity sport that requires a lot of energy to be exerted, which means if you jump straight into it without a proper warm-up, you risk injuring yourself.

Similarly, immediately starting with activities that require sharp and explosive movements can lead to severe muscle or joint injury. To avoid this, start with a gentle five- to ten-minute warm-up before moving on to more intense exercises. Some examples of some essential warm-up activities that can be incorporated into your kickboxing routine are jogging, jumping jacks, or arm circles.


Skipping the Basics

One of the common mistakes that people make in kickboxing training is skipping the basics. Most people start their training with the basics such as punches and kicks, and then move on to advanced techniques. However, if you skip the basics, you may not have the proper form or technique to execute more complex moves properly.

To avoid this, take your time to master the basics before moving on to advanced techniques. By mastering the basics, you’ll have a more solid foundation to build on, and you’ll be able to execute advanced techniques more efficiently.


Not Wearing the Right Equipment

Wearing the right equipment while kickboxing is vital to protect yourself from injury. To avoid injury, it is essential to wear the right equipment like gloves, shin pads, and headgear. Before beginning your kickboxing training, make sure you understand the different types of equipment you need and where to buy them.

Additionally, it is essential to wear clothes that are loose and made of breathable fabric, allowing for free movement and sweat absorption. Wearing sweaty clothes or improper gear can lead to discomfort, reduced range of motion, or even bacterial infections.


Focusing on Power Exclusively

Kickboxing is not just about throwing powerful punches and kicks, but also involves technique, endurance, and speed. While it is important to have powerful strikes, focusing exclusively on power can lead to fatigue and reduced efficiency.

To avoid this, try to develop a balance between your speed and power so that you can execute strikes more efficiently and effectively. You can improve your speed and technique by practicing drills and performing shadowboxing exercises.


Improper Footwork

The position of your feet is crucial when it comes to kickboxing. One of the common mistakes that people make when they start kickboxing training is not positioning their feet properly. Having incorrect footwork can lead to a lack of balance and reduced efficiency, making it more difficult to execute strikes.

To avoid improper footwork, make sure you always maintain a stable and balanced stance while throwing punches and kicks. Practice your footwork skills, start with basic drills to ensure proper foot placement and transition to more advanced exercises.



It is easy to get excited about starting a new sport like kickboxing and try to exert too much effort in too little time. However, overtraining can put your body under unnecessary stress, leading to injuries or burnout.

To avoid overtraining, make sure you have a proper training schedule that fits around your lifestyle, and ensure that you take breaks in between intense exercises to allow your body to rest and recover. You may also consider taking a day off for every two or three days of training.



In conclusion, avoiding common mistakes in kickboxing training is essential for maximizing progress and minimizing setbacks. Neglecting proper technique can hinder your performance and increase the risk of injury. Take the time to master the fundamental techniques to build a solid foundation. Additionally, overtraining can lead to exhaustion and burnout, so it’s crucial to listen to your body, incorporate rest and recovery periods, and gradually increase the intensity of your training. By focusing on technique and avoiding overtraining, you can improve your skills and minimize the risk of injuries.

Furthermore, incorporating conditioning exercises, maintaining a healthy diet, and setting realistic goals are crucial for successful kickboxing training. Conditioning drills improve overall fitness, while proper nutrition and hydration fuel your body for optimal performance and recovery. Setting realistic goals helps to maintain motivation and celebrate achievements along the way. By avoiding these mistakes and implementing these strategies, you can enhance your kickboxing training and achieve your full potential in the sport.

Maxim Tzfenko

Maxim Tzfenko

"I live and breath Martial Arts"

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